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Can a 6 week old feral cat be domesticated?

Can a 6 week old feral cat be domesticated?

Feral kittens can usually be tamed if they are rescued young enough AND they are socialized properly. Kittens who are rescued at over 6 weeks of age who have had little or no physical or social contact with humans may not be completely domesticated, although some younger ones may be fully socialized with patience.

How long does it take a feral kitten to get used to you?

The process of taming kittens can take from two to six weeks (longer for some exceptionally skittish kittens), depending on their age and state of wildness. Individuals can differ greatly in temperament, even within the same litter. Some may tame up immediately, and some may take quite a long time.

Can feral kittens be house pets?

A feral cat is not likely to ever become a lap cat or enjoy living indoors. Kittens born to feral cats can be socialized at an early age and adopted into homes.

How old do feral kittens have to be to be tamed?

They have not been socialized toward humans. Can Feral Kittens and Cats be Tamed? Feral kittens can usually be tamed if they are rescued young enough AND they are socialized properly. Feral kittens should begin their socialization as young as possible. When trapping feral kittens outdoors, it’s ideal to rescue them at 4-5 weeks of age.

When is the best time to tame a kitten?

The Best Age for Taming Feral Kittens. Feral or otherwise unsocialized kittens are most easily tamed for adoption and indoor life between the ages of four and eight weeks.

Is it possible to domesticate a feral cat?

Even if your feral cat accepts handing from you, this will be a unique situation. The cat will still be terrified of other people. Factor this into your decision-making about whether to keep the cat. If you adopt a feral cat, you should avoid visitors and houseguests for a while. Feral cats are difficult to domesticate.

How to get rid of older feral kittens?

For info about taming older feral kittens, see the three-part video, Tough Love: Socializing Feral Kittens, or consult Urban Cat League’s Taming Ferals! page. Mike Phillips, LVT, is the Community Outreach Coordinator for the NYC Feral Cat Initiative of the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals.

How long does it take to tame feral kittens?

The process of taming kittens can take from two to six weeks (longer for some exceptionally skittish kittens), depending on their age and state of wildness. Individuals can differ greatly in temperament, even within the same litter. Some may tame up immediately, and some may take quite a long time.

How old do kittens have to be to be tame?

Feral kittens, particularly those younger than 10 to 12 weeks old, are usually easily tamable. Older feral cats who have been feral for a long time will be most difficult to tame, if you can tame them at all. Feral kittens should not be removed from their mothers until they are ready to be weaned, at approximately 6-8 weeks of age.

How old do feral cats have to be to be weaned?

Older feral cats who have been feral for a long time will be most difficult to tame, if you can tame them at all. X Research source Feral kittens should not be removed from their mothers until they are ready to be weaned, at approximately 6-8 weeks of age.

Even if your feral cat accepts handing from you, this will be a unique situation. The cat will still be terrified of other people. Factor this into your decision-making about whether to keep the cat. If you adopt a feral cat, you should avoid visitors and houseguests for a while. Feral cats are difficult to domesticate.