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Can diabetes cause weakness in legs?

Can diabetes cause weakness in legs?

Peripheral neuropathy, the most common diabetic complication, can cause numbness or pain in the legs, feet, toes, arms, and hands. Proximal neuropathy may cause weakness in your legs and pain in your hips, buttocks, and thighs.

Can diabetic neuropathy affect walking?

(Reuters Health) – Diabetics with nerve damage are more likely to have an uneven stride and struggle to maintain their balance even when walking on flat ground, a small study finds. So-called peripheral neuropathy, or diabetic nerve damage, can lead to numbness and pain in the feet, legs and hands.

Can high blood sugar cause problems walking?

Chronically elevated blood sugars can also damage nerves that tell muscles how to move. This can lead to muscle weakness. You may have difficulty walking or getting up from a chair.

Can diabetes stop you walking?

Walking is considered safe for most people, including all ages and fitness levels. But it’s important to take extra care and look after your feet if you have diabetes. This is because you’re at a greater risk of developing foot complications or diabetic neuropathy.

Why do I have no strength in my legs?

This article focuses on conditions that cause a true loss of strength in the leg muscles. Among the most common causes for leg weakness is sciatica, problems with the spinal cord that lead to pinching or compression of the nerves as they exit the spinal cord through the holes between the vertebrae of the backbone.

Is walking good for leg neuropathy?

While the general benefits of aerobic and flexibility exercises are well-known, increasing movement and heart-rate are particularly important for people suffering with peripheral neuropathy. Physical activity can improve blood circulation, which strengthens nerve tissues by increasing the flow of oxygen.

How do you stop diabetic leg pain?

Here are nine tips to help manage and relieve diabetic leg pain.

  1. Use exercise to promote overall health.
  2. Eat a diabetic-friendly diet.
  3. Manage weight.
  4. Maintain appropriate blood sugar levels.
  5. Practice daily foot and leg care.
  6. Build healthier habits for compounded prevention.
  7. Try physical therapy.

How long should a diabetic walk?

Benefits. By walking every day for 30 minutes to an hour, people with diabetes can reap the following benefits: Improved glucose control. 1 Exercise helps muscles absorb blood sugar, preventing it from building up in the bloodstream.

How much water should a diabetic drink?

High blood sugar levels can cause dehydration. Drinking enough water can help your body eliminate excess glucose through urine. The Institute of Medicine recommends men drink about 13 cups (3.08 l) of day and women drink about 9 cups (2.13 l).

How does diabetic peripheral neuropathy affect your walking?

Loss of balance. Walking with a wobbly motion or even losing your balance can result from diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Wearing orthopedic shoes often helps with this. Loss of coordination is a common sign of diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Often, muscle weakness affects the ankle, which can affect your gait.

Why does my dog walk wobbly when I Walk?

This “wobbly unsteadiness” often spreads to the front legs. In severe cases, the dog becomes wobbly when he walks and can even fall over when trying to turn. In some cases, the onset of symptoms is sudden, although that is infrequent.

Can a diabetic cat walk on its hind legs?

Diabetic cat now staggering on hind legs Discussion in ‘ Feline Health – (Welcome & Main Forum) ‘ started by Nic, Sep 12, 2010 . Not open for further replies.

Can a dog with diabetes have leg weakness?

Leg weakness and what causes it. It is not uncommon for cats with diabetes to experience hind leg weakness. Although leg weakness can occur in dogs, it is much less common than for cats. In technical terms the leg weakness is often called peripheral neuropathy.

Why does my cat walk wobbly when she has diabetes?

Another sign of diabetes that the back legs are weakened, causing the cat to become very wobbly when walking. This is because once the available insulin in the body decreases, glucose in the bloodstream is not broken down into energy.

Loss of balance. Walking with a wobbly motion or even losing your balance can result from diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Wearing orthopedic shoes often helps with this. Loss of coordination is a common sign of diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Often, muscle weakness affects the ankle, which can affect your gait.

This “wobbly unsteadiness” often spreads to the front legs. In severe cases, the dog becomes wobbly when he walks and can even fall over when trying to turn. In some cases, the onset of symptoms is sudden, although that is infrequent.

Leg weakness and what causes it. It is not uncommon for cats with diabetes to experience hind leg weakness. Although leg weakness can occur in dogs, it is much less common than for cats. In technical terms the leg weakness is often called peripheral neuropathy.