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Can diarrhea cause blood in stool kitten?

Can diarrhea cause blood in stool kitten?

If your cat is infected with coccidia, the symptoms can vary. In adult cats, there may be no signs of infection, while in kittens the symptoms can be more serious. The most common symptom is diarrhea; in severe situations, the diarrhea can be accompanied by blood in the stool.

Why does my kitten have blood in his diarrhea?

Diarrhea can cause irritation of the lining of the lower gastrointestinal tract, leading to bleeding. If your cat has diarrhea or soft stools, they may start to appear bloody after a couple of days. Constipation often makes a cat strain to defecate. This sometimes leads to ruptured blood vessels in the lower GI tract.

Can a kitten with coccidiosis have diarrhea?

In adult cats, there may be no signs of infection, while in kittens the symptoms can be more serious. The most common symptom is diarrhea; in severe situations, the diarrhea can be accompanied by blood in the stool. The good news is that coccidiosis is a very treatable condition.

What causes bloody stool and diarrhea in cats?

Coccidiosis is a disease caused by the tiny, single-cell pests, coccidia. These parasites can live in the wall of your cat’s intestines. They are more common in kittens, but can still infect older cats and dogs, as well.

What causes diarrhea in a 6 month old kitten?

As a veterinarian for more than 20 years, and chief of personnel at Animal House of Chicago, I have dealt with numerous cases of diarrhea in kittens, felines in age from birth through 6 months. In my experience, the most common causes are dietary indiscretion (eating something that caused upset), a sudden change in diet and parasites.

What to feed a kitten with bloody diarrhea?

After 12 hours of withholding feline food, provide your kitten a dull food that is fat-free. Some choices are a fat-free prepared/canned kitten food, or cooked ground turkey and canned 100 percent pumpkin. If canned pumpkin is not quickly discovered, attempt fresh, cooked sweet potato.