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How does the lottery work in the short story The Lottery?

How does the lottery work in the short story The Lottery?

The villagers of a small town gather together in the square on June 27, a beautiful day, for the town lottery. In other towns, the lottery takes longer, but there are only 300 people in this village, so the lottery takes only two hours. Summers runs the lottery because he has a lot of time to do things for the village.

What is the climax of the story the lottery?

In “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson, the climax is when Tessie is declared the “winner,” the falling action includes the townspeople gathering around her and stoning her, and the resolution is when the town’s life returns to normal.

Why does Mrs Hutchinson say that the lottery drawing is unfair?

Hutchinson say that the lottery drawing is unfair? She arrives too late to draw a slip of paper. She knows the result of the lottery is bad. She wants her friend to have another chance.

Who was late for the gathering the lottery?

4. Why was Tessie late to arrive at the gathering to hold the lottery? She ran away but was caught and returned.

Why is Tessie unhappy with the first drawing?

Tessie is unhappy with the first drawing because it means that someone from her family will be stoned to death that day, but it seems as though the thing that upsets her most is her own increased chance of being selected.