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How important is the essay?

How important is the essay?

The essay is an integral and important part of the application process. For some students, it can make the difference between getting in or being deferred, or even of being rejected. A good essay conveys not only who you are but how you express who you are! As such, the essay needs to be focused and well written.

Why is good grammar important?

Good grammar helps you communicate clearly and get what you want. Grammar is the groundwork of clear communication. “The better the grammar, the clearer the message, the more likelihood of understanding the message’s intent and meaning,” author William Bradshaw wrote in this Huffington Post article.

What does grammar involve?

Because grammar involves the way we structure our sentences, this category includes the eight “parts” of “speech”: nouns, verbs, pronouns, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections (like “ouch!”).

Who decides if a word is a word?

To decide which words to include in the dictionary and to determine what they mean, Merriam-Webster editors study the language as it’s used. They carefully monitor which words people use most often and how they use them.

What do you call someone who creates words?

They’re called lexicographers. A lexicographer studies words and compiles the results into a dictionary. This is one of several words for a certain type of writer or editor. Just as a playwright writes plays and a poet writes poems, a lexicographer puts together dictionaries.

Why do we use words?

We use it to express ourselves through speech, to record our experiences or to invent and tell stories in writing. But before all that begins, before a word leaves our lips or a pen hits the page, we use language in our heads.

What is the longest word in the dictionary?


Which is the F word?

—used as a way to refer to the offensive word “fuck” without saying it or writing itHe got in trouble for using the f-word on television.