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How much gabapentin can I give my 15 pound cat?

How much gabapentin can I give my 15 pound cat?

Pre-Hospital Sedation of Cats

Drug Dose Contraindications
Gabapentin 15-30 mg/kg For most average cats, 100 mg capsule recommended Liver failure Pediatrics
Trazodone 5-10 mg/kg For most average cats, 50 mg tablet recommended Pre-existing arrhythmias Patients on monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MOAIs)

Can you give a cat gabapentin for sedation?

My vet prescribed 100 mg of gabapentin to my cat for sedation during a car ride. It has been 12 hours since I gave him his dose. He is super wobbly and tired. I have used this medication on him once before and did not experience these side effects. Do you think he is okay? Should I let him sleep it off?

Why did the vet give my Dog gabapentin?

He was sent home with a cone, antibiotics, flea meds and pain medicine, but continued to have the fits/spasms, so the vet prescribed the gabapentin.

Can a cat take gabapentin without taking food?

Cats can take Gabapentin with or without taking food. However, it is important that the right dosage and prescribed frequency should be given to prevent any problems. Cats can safely take small dosages of Gabapentin.

Is it safe to give skipper 100 mg gabapentin?

I’m sorry for this concern about Skipper. While 100 mg is probably a higher dose than I would have prescribed for a cat, it wouldn’t be considered a toxic one.

Should You give Your Cat gabapentin?

Cats can take Gabapentin with or without taking food. However, it is important that the right dosage and prescribed frequency should be given to prevent any problems. Cats can safely take small dosages of Gabapentin. Taking more than the recommended dosage could cause serious health risks.

What is the dose of gabapentin for cats?

For treatment for seizures in cats, gabapentin is started at 2.5 to 5 mg per pound (5 to 10 mg/kg) every 8 to 12 hours. Does up to 10 mg per pound every 6 hours has been used in some cats.

What is gabapentin used for in cats?

Use in Dogs and Cats. Gabapentin is used in both dogs and cats. There are two primary reasons why your vet may prescribe it. Gabapentin is used as an analgesic to relieve pain and is often prescribed for animals prior to surgery. It also has an anticonvulsant effect and is used as an antiepileptic medication to control seizures.

How much gabapentin for cats?

As with any medication given “to effect”, we’ve learned that doses vary with different cats. In smaller, older or sick cats, we generally prescribe 50-75 mg; in larger cats, 75-100 mg.