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How serious is Cat flu?

How serious is Cat flu?

Cat flu is not usually serious in healthy cats. But it can be serious, and even fatal, in kittens and adult cats with underlying illnesses, so it’s important to get your pet to the vet. As with human colds, there are several viruses that can cause it.

What happens if a cat catches the cat flu?

Unfortunately once a cat has caught cat flu, it’s possible they will become a ‘carrier’ and suffer from ‘flare-ups’ throughout their life. Some, less fortunate cat flu carriers have symptoms all the time (perhaps a runny nose, loud breathing, sneezing or weepy eyes), and need to be on constant medication.

Why are kittens more susceptible to the flu than adults?

Kittens are usually more severely affected than adults because they find it harder to fight infections. Contact your vet if you notice the symptoms of cat flu. Cat flu is an illness that causes similar symptoms to human colds/flu (a high temperature, sneezing, weepy eyes and a snotty nose).

Do you need to take your cat to the vet for flu?

All cats with symptoms of cat flu should see the vet. However it can be serious, even fatal, in kittens, and in adult cats with other serious underlying illnesses. There are occasional occurrences of a severe form, especially in the US, but thankfully this remains rare.

Can a carrier have a recurrence of the flu?

Following infection, many cats are left as carriers, which means they do not have any symptoms but can potentially infect others. Some carrier cats occasionally have a runny eye or nose for a few days. Recurrences of flu can follow stressful events, such as a visit to the vet or the arrival of a new cat in the house.

Is there such a thing as Cat flu?

The answer is yes, but not the kind of flu you might be thinking of. Cat flu is the common name for feline upper respiratory infections with symptoms that are very similar to a human cold.1 It’s important to understand how to care for your cat if they develop cat flu.

What happens when cat recovers from Cat flu?

When cats have recovered from Cat Flu they continue to shed the virus especially at times of stress. Although they do not show any symptoms they have in fact become a carrier of the virus. With Feline Herpes Virus the carrier state can last the lifetime of the cat.

All cats with symptoms of cat flu should see the vet. However it can be serious, even fatal, in kittens, and in adult cats with other serious underlying illnesses. There are occasional occurrences of a severe form, especially in the US, but thankfully this remains rare.

How does cat flu spread from person to person?

It is also known as Feline Virus Rhinotracheitis which is an older term for the virus. Feline Herpes virus infects the membranes of the eyes, the lining of the nose, pharynx, sinuses, and throat. Cat flu in general is a very contagious disease and can spread quickly from cat to cat.