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Is it OK to let two cats see each other?

Is it OK to let two cats see each other?

With both cats now acutely aware of the other’s scent, it’s time to let them actually see each other. The work you’ve done up to this point has resulted in predictable behavior between the two cats and a cordial (or at least tolerant) “scent handshake” at every meal.

What are some considerations when getting a second cat?

An active and assertive cat may overwhelm quieter and more timid cats, making introductions difficult. Although, at first the existing housecat (s) may have a problem with the new addition to the household, in some homes the existing cat may try to initiate play while the new cat is the one that exhibits the most aggression.

Why does my cat like one cat more than the other?

Just because your cat liked one cat, it may not mean that he will accept another. Some cats are naturally easy-going and friendly; others are timid and shy; still others are very assertive and active. Those differences in personality can have a profound effect on how two cats may get along.

Is it possible to introduce a new cat into an existing household?

With time it should be possible to introduce a new cat into an existing household, but this may take a great deal of time and very gradual introduction. The majority of cats are hostile to other unrelated felines, and there is certainly no guarantee that your cat will thank you for its new playmate.

With both cats now acutely aware of the other’s scent, it’s time to let them actually see each other. The work you’ve done up to this point has resulted in predictable behavior between the two cats and a cordial (or at least tolerant) “scent handshake” at every meal.

Are there any cats that hate their own kind?

While some cats hate their own kind and must be the household’s only pet, feral cats form colonies, and many pet cats befriend each other.

Why are my cats not getting along with each other?

I will explain the various reasons why some cats don’t get along with each other and offer solutions to help you bring peace to your household. All cat fights are not the same. Sometimes what looks like a cat fight may actually be normal playing. This is more common with younger cats, but it can happen at any age.

Why do cats get lonely when there are no other cats?

The group is usually formed by a family line — a queen and some of her litter that chose not to leave, not newcomers.” And what about pet cats? Do cats get lonely when they’re the only cat in the household? “Domestic cats are a social species,” Dr. Dantas says.

What are some things you don’t know about cats?

Here’s something you may not know about cats: Nose-to-nose greetings between cats are unusual, as it puts both in a vulnerable position.

While some cats hate their own kind and must be the household’s only pet, feral cats form colonies, and many pet cats befriend each other.

Why do so many people have so many cats?

Cats don’t necessarily adapt well to change, so an unstable cat population can cause stress. In all fairness, many cat owners are faced with real behavior problems and they try to do everything to solve them. They love their cats. Giving them up is not even on the radar.

I will explain the various reasons why some cats don’t get along with each other and offer solutions to help you bring peace to your household. All cat fights are not the same. Sometimes what looks like a cat fight may actually be normal playing. This is more common with younger cats, but it can happen at any age.