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What are the themes of Antigone?

What are the themes of Antigone?

Antigone ThemesBlindness vs. Sight. Natural Law. Creon, as head of state and lawgiver in Thebes, believes in obedience to man-made laws. Citizenship vs. Family Loyalty. Civil Disobedience. Fate vs.

Why is Antigone important today?

The ideas Sophocles presents in Antigone have relevance in today’s world, and indicate that modern society is not as advanced as we believe. The problems of gender equality, democratic voice, and religious faith still resonate today. Antigone attempts to show the strength women have in the face of male authority.

What is Creon’s tragic flaw?

Is King Creon a tragic hero? Creon’s tragic flaw is pride. He refused to agree that Antigone did the right thing in burying her brother.

Is Antigone ever apologetic for burying Polyneices?

Though Antigone bemoans her fate and believes death is a cruel and unnecessary punishment for burying Polyneices, she is never apologetic for actually covering his body. She believes until the end that she did the right thing.

What did the sentry and the other guards do to Polyneices body?

The sentry tells him that someone has sprinkled dust on Polynieces’ body. Creon suspects a man, an anarchist, may have bribed Creon’s guards to do this. 4. What is the dramatic irony in this scene?

What does Creon say happened to Polyneices body?

As his first edict, he declares that Eteocles’ body should be buried with all honors and ceremony, but that Polyneices’ body should be left out in the open to rot and be eaten by wild animals. (Um, gross.) The new king also says that anyone who touches the body will be sentenced to death.

What does Creon say is the greatest evil?

What does Creon say is the greatest evil that society faces? Anarchy is the greatest evil that society faces.

What principle is most important to Creon?

Creon stands for the rule of law: the importance of obedience to the law. As a principle, it is a strong and fundamental one for civil society. He took that principle to an extreme of absolutism, which allowed for no flexibility.

What are Creon’s beliefs?

Creon’s regard for the laws of the city cause him to abandon all other beliefs. He feels that all should obey the laws made by him, even if other beliefs, moral or religious, state otherwise. Antigone, on the other hand, holds the belief of the gods in high reverence.

Which is more important civil law or divine law?

The decision by every character for what is most important to them, determines their fate and destiny. Antigone firmly believed that Divine law was far more superior to Civil Law in all respects. To her, the gods determined her fate completely. Obeying the gods was more crucial to obeying the government.

What values and principles help to characterize Creon?

Some values and principles that characterize Creon is his loyalty to his city, and his strong will. However, he was excessive pride (hubris).

Does Antigone take responsibility for her situation or are others accountable?

Antigone was responsible for her actions, therefore making her responsible for her fate. Creon also exhibits responsibility for his fate by coping with the death of Antigone, his son, and his wife after the poor decisions he had made.

What is the meaning of the metaphors Creon uses in lines 538 542?

Answer: The metaphor that Creon uses refers to his authority in the country. This implies that Antigone is in his hands and that he can treat her any way he wants. Explanation: The metaphor that Creon uses means that he is the captain of the country, the sovereign who commands and demands and everythi.

Who is Creon How does Antigone feel about him?

Antigone’s uncle. Creon is powerfully built, but a weary and wrinkled man suffering the burdens of rule. A practical man, he firmly distances himself from the tragic aspirations of Oedipus and his line. As he tells Antigone, his only interest is in political and social order.