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What does the word Wait mean in English?

What does the word Wait mean in English?

from English Grammar Today Wait means ‘stay in the same place or not do something until something else happens’. We can use it with or without for: Put a tea bag into the cup, then add water and wait (for) a minute or two before taking it out.

What does wait mean in a tea bag?

Wait means ‘stay in the same place or not do something until something else happens’. We can use it with or without for: Put a tea bag into the cup, then add water and wait (for) a minute or two before taking it out. I phoned the head office but I had to wait (for) five minutes before I spoke to anyone.

Where does the phrase ” Wait on you ” come from?

“Wait on” is common and well-understood in the south-eastern United States, specifically Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and maybe others in that region. The meaning and usage of “waiting for you” and “wait on you” is identical.

What’s the best way to wait for a ticket?

Put a tea bag into the cup, then add water and wait (for) a minute or two before taking it out. I phoned the head office but I had to wait (for) five minutes before I spoke to anyone. We waited (for) hours to get the tickets. Wait for us outside the cinema.

When to use wait on or wait for?

As some have stated here, though, wait on is rarely used for wait for in British or other non-US usage. The Computer Science use of wait on is sloppy. You are in fact waiting FOR the mutex to become free; you are in no sense serving the mutex. I, for one, only use wait on when I mean to serve. Use “wait for” and you will be correct much more often.

How long does it take for the wait function to return?

The wait function takes an optional argument, which is the time that the script should sleep. If you don’t supply an argument, then the function will typically return in 0.03 seconds. That means the script is looking for an enemy to attack 30 times a second!

How does the task.wait method work in Microsoft Office?

The application thread calls the task’s Task.Wait method to wait for the task to complete, but the wait is canceled once the cancellation token is cancelled and an OperationCanceledException is thrown. The exception handler reports the exception and then sleeps for six seconds.

What does it mean to wait for a task to complete?

Waits for the Task to complete execution within a specified number of milliseconds. Waits for the Task to complete execution. Waits for the Task to complete execution within a specified time interval. A TimeSpan that represents the number of milliseconds to wait, or a TimeSpan that represents -1 milliseconds to wait indefinitely.