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What happens to a dog with an untreated ear infection?

What happens to a dog with an untreated ear infection?

Two potential long-term complications of inner ear infection include a permanently altered sense of balance and/or persistent signs of Horner’s syndrome. Your dog may also become permanently deaf in the affected ear. That said, most dogs with otitis interna respond well to medical management.

What happens if an ear infection doesn’t respond to antibiotics?

When a child has an ear infection that does not respond to antibiotics, resistant pneumococcus bacteria may cause it. Pneumococcus has 90 different types, which are all genetically related; however, 7 types account for the majority of ear infections in childhood and nearly all of the antibiotic resistant strains.

Can dog ear infections be fatal?

End-Stage Ear Disease: Signs, Diagnosis and Treatment. Dogs that have long-standing ear infections may develop an irreversible disease of the ear canal. Due to chronic inflammation, the ear canal becomes very thickened and can turn into bone. As a result, the infection will not resolve with medications.

Do ear infections make dogs feel bad?

If your pooch has developed an ear infection they are likely to feel very uncomfortable and in some cases, the ear may be very painful.

When to take your dog to the vet for an ear infection?

Your dog may require sedation or anesthesia to allow a thorough examination using an otoscope. This is especially true if the ear is painful, if the canal is obstructed with discharge or widespread inflammatory tissue, or if the animal is uncooperative.

What happens if you leave an ear infection untreated?

Ear infections can cause extreme discomfort and further health problems if left untreated. There are many types of infectious bacteria, fungi, parasites, and foreign material which might cause inflammation and infection in the outer, middle, or inner ears.

What causes otitis externa in a dog?

Otitis externa can be caused by many different factors. Some of these factors (such as parasites, foreign objects, and allergies) appear to directly cause the inflammation, while others (such as certain bacteria, yeasts, or a middle ear infection) perpetuate the condition.

Why does my dog have discharge from his ears?

These organisms may cause disease if the environment of the ear changes in a way that allows them to multiply and cause an infection. Microscopic examination of a smear can quickly determine if this type of overgrowth is present. If your dog has any type of discharge from its ears, it should be examined by a veterinarian.