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What matters to me most in my life?

What matters to me most in my life?

So make the most of every day. Focus on the things that are most important — people, family, friends. Connect with them as often as possible. Tell them more about who are and less about what you have done in life -leave them with memories of the real you.

How can I be happy in psychology?

4 Key Tips for Finding More HappinessBe with others. Spend more time with others. Exercise. Exercise is so important for our physical health but also our mental health. Sleep. Make sure you get enough sleep. Create the life you want. Every choice you make defines a part of your journey.

How can I be cheerful in life?

10 Scientifically Proven Ways To Stay Happy All The TimeExercise more. Lots of studies on this one. Positive thinking affects your performance. Trash your negative thoughts. Treasure your experiences more than your possessions. Write down why you are grateful. Practice mindfulness. Don’t forget your beauty sleep. Dedicate a little time to helping others.