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Why are cats more prone to fleas?

Why are cats more prone to fleas?

The main things fleas like are long grass with a warm and damp climate. Unfortunately, this is also the perfect area to walk dogs, and cats often hang around in long grass too, although dogs are much more likely to catch fleas in this environment. Cats often catch fleas by socialising with each other outside.

Are fleas common with cats?

Fleas are one of the most common parasites that can affect cats, and cats that go outside on a regular basis will likely come in contact with fleas. But even indoor cats can get fleas if the parasites hitch a ride into your home on you or another pet.

Are some cats more susceptible to fleas?

This means that even if your animals never go outside, they are still susceptible to fleas. That said, some animals are more at risk than others. An indoor cat who lives in a high-rise apartment in a major city is less likely to pick up fleas than an indoor cat who lives in a house in the woods.

Is it common for cats to get fleas?

You might not have guessed it, but cats can get fleas just as frequently as dogs do. In fact, flea bite hypersensitivity, or flea allergy dermatitis in cats, is the most common skin disease.

When was the last review of cat fleas?

The last comprehensive reviews of the biology and control of the cat flea were provided two decades ago [1,2]. Several reviews dealing with insecticide resistance, toxicology of veterinary insecticides, and the control of cat fleas have been written during this period.

What happens to a flea that leaves its host?

Adult cat fleas do not willingly leave their hosts, and inter-animal transfer of adult fleas is rare except in animals that share sleeping quarters. A flea which becomes separated from its host will often die within hours from starvation. It has been found that mortality differs between male and female cat fleas when separated from the host.

How does the cat flea maintain its life cycle?

The cat flea can also maintain its life cycle on other carnivores and on omnivores, but these are only chosen when more acceptable hosts become unavailable. Adult cat fleas do not willingly leave their hosts, and inter-animal transfer of adult fleas is rare except in animals that share sleeping quarters.

You might not have guessed it, but cats can get fleas just as frequently as dogs do. In fact, flea bite hypersensitivity, or flea allergy dermatitis in cats, is the most common skin disease.

Which is the best flea treatment for kittens?

Most medications using imidacloprid are safe for use in kittens over 6 weeks of age. As always, read the labeling on your unique treatment to determine whether or not it’s safe for your cat or kitten. This insecticide is the active ingredient in Frontline products. It’s used to kill adult fleas in spot-on treatments.

What are the symptoms of a cat allergic to fleas?

These symptoms include: Constant scratching and grooming, sometimes overly-intense. Chewing and biting at the tail, hind end, and legs. Open, oozing sores on the cat’s skin (hot spots) Skin damage due to excessive scratching and itching. Bald spots and hair loss. Skin inflammation.

How big of a flea collar do I need for my Cat?

The majority of flea collars for cats are adjustable so that they can fit just about any size cat. The collar should fit snugly on the cat without choking it. If you have a particularly large or small cat, you might want to check with the manufacturer to determine how large or small you can make the collar.