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Why does my horse have a lot of nasal discharge?

Why does my horse have a lot of nasal discharge?

Being given general anesthesia. Not receiving vaccination against influenza. Signs of possible pneumonia in horses include fever, loss of appetite, lethargy, shallow breathing and a noticeable nasal discharge. They may also shake their head back and forth in an attempt to clear their nose.

What does lethargy mean when you have an illness?

Lethargy Lethargy nearly always accompanies another illness. Often it is the first indicator to you that your degu is unwell, but is normally shown in advanced or severe illness. Lethargy is the body’s way of attempting to cope, by shutting down non-essential systems when the illness has overloaded the degus body.

Why does my cat have nasal discharge all the time?

Viruses cause both of these diseases, and cats often contract both of them at the same time, according to Animal Health Channel. In addition to eye discharge, cats afflicted with herpes may sneeze or cough frequently, run a fever of up to 106 degrees Fahrenheit, and have nasal discharge.

What causes blocked nasal passages in degus patients?

Blocked nasal passages, pawing at the nose, nasal discharge, molar problems, difficulty eating and eventually mouth-breathing/bloating. This condition is not uncommon in degus, caused by tumour-like overgrowth of the molar tooth roots into the nasal passages. May be unsymptomatic until sinuses and nasal cavity are impacted.

Where does nasal discharge come from and what causes it?

Discharge that is bilateral can arise from the guttural pouches, the pharynx, or the lower respiratory tract (trachea and lungs). Discharge can be constant, intermittent, or only associated with certain activities like eating or exercise.

What are the medical conditions associated with runny nose?

Cough, Fatigue, Nasal congestion and Runny nose. WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the symptoms cough, fatigue, nasal congestion and runny nose including Common cold, Bronchitis, and Hay fever. There are 118 conditions associated with cough, fatigue, nasal congestion and runny nose.

Can a gust of wind cause nasal discharge?

Wind or dust can cause mild upper airway irritation and serous nasal discharge that is usually mild, bilateral, intermittent, and not associated with any clinical signs of systemic disease.

What causes unilateral bloody discharge in the nose?

Unilateral bloody nasal discharge can occur with progressive ethmoid hematoma, nasal foreign body, trauma, fungal infection of the guttural pouch, or exercise induced pulmonary hemorrhage (EIPH) (the latter two can cause bilateral discharge also).