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Why does my kitten keep losing weight?

Why does my kitten keep losing weight?

Causes of Cat Weight Loss. Anxiety, stress, or depression. Cats under psychological stress may go off their food, which can result in weight loss. Situations that may upset your cat include excessive noise, other animals in the feeding area, dirty food dishes, or proximity of the food dish to the litter box.

What does it mean when a kitten looks like it’s getting skinny?

There are two main causes for a skinny cat: Either they aren’t eating enough, or they’re expending more calories than they are taking in. They may not be eating enough due to stress, dental disease and/or nausea or a host of other reasons.

What to do if your cat is losing weight?

The treatment for weight loss in cats depends on the cause. If you notice your cat is losing weight, your first step should be to schedule a vet appointment. Your vet will do a physical exam first. Next, lab tests and/or x-rays may be needed to determine the problem.

How often do kittens need to gain weight?

Kittens should gain about ½ ounce every day, or 4 ounces per week. Weigh them at the same time each day with a kitchen scale or small postal scale. Lack of gain or weight loss beyond 24 hours is cause for alarm and requires a visit to the vet.

Is it normal for senior cats to lose weight?

Many owners think that weight loss is normal for senior cats, but this is not the case. It’s important to take action if you notice unexplained weight loss in your cat. It is hard to tell if your cat is really losing weight if it happens gradually.

What causes depressed and lethargic cats and kittens?

Lethargy often a symptom of problems like obesity, FIP, cancer, heart disease, leukemia, diabetespneumoniaor injuriesor parasites like heartworm, lungworm, hookworm. mobile page Lethargic, Depressed Kitten Not Thriving Lethargic with Fever (FIP) Diarrhea, Lethargy.. see also: Diabetes, FleasHeart Disease, Renal Failure, Death

How can I tell if my kitten is fading?

Fading kittens may also fail to gain weight normally (or even worse, lose weight), which can be determined by weighing the kitten at least once a day. Kitten caregivers should not wait until a kitten is in crisis to take action.

How can you tell if a kitten is tired?

Kittens are supposed to be inquisitive and constantly bouncing around. While they also require a lot of sleep, there’s a noticeable difference between a kitten who is tired, and one that is lethargic.

Is it normal for a kitten to lose its appetite?

Loss of appetite Kittens can be picky eaters, but they should still be eaters. If you notice your kitten is not eating anything you put out for them, this could be a sign of something wrong.

The treatment for weight loss in cats depends on the cause. If you notice your cat is losing weight, your first step should be to schedule a vet appointment. Your vet will do a physical exam first. Next, lab tests and/or x-rays may be needed to determine the problem.