Why is my cat losing hair around her legs?
Cats hair thinning or hair loss, which is also known as alopecia, on hind legs can be caused by a variety of issues from fleas, allergies, a bacterial infection, or stress.
What kind of hair loss does a cat have?
Some cats have hereditary alopecia. For example, Sphynx cats are born without hair and never grow any. Another type of normal hair loss is pinnal alopecia – hair loss on the outside of the ear pinnae — which is common in Siamese cats but usually resolves on its own.
How can I Stop my Cat from losing hair?
Provide cat toys and playtime for your cat to keep her mentally stimulated and to avoid hair loss from nervous disorders. Unfortunately, though, there is no way to prevent most forms of hair loss in cats.
Why does my cat have patches of hair on his back?
Cats who are particularly sensitive to fleas may develop hair loss during an infestation. It’s not the fleas themselves that cause hair loss, but their saliva. Flea-based alopecia is particularly evident as patchy hair loss on the cat’s hindquarters.
What kind of hair loss does a Siamese cat have?
Another type of normal hair loss is pinnal alopecia – hair loss on the outside of the ear pinnae — which is common in Siamese cats but usually resolves on its own.
Is it normal for a cat to lose all its hair?
The skin surrounding the area of hair loss can appear normal, or it can have redness, bumps, scabs and skin loss. Treatment options exist, though they depend on the cause of the alopecia and are limited for many of the more common causes.
What to do if your cat is losing hair on its hind legs?
Keep your cat on effective flea prevention monthly to prevent infestations of parasites that can cause hair loss. Keeping your cat inside can reduce its exposure to many mites as well. Cats can lose fur on their hind legs due to a variety of issues.
Why does my cat have so many hairballs?
Hairballs are the unsavory by-product of a normal habit. As your cat grooms herself, she swallows a lot of loose hair. This happens because the tiny backward-slanted projections (papillae) that roughen the surface of her tongue propel the hair down her throat and into her stomach.
What causes hair loss on the top of a cat’s tail?
Also called tail gland hyperplasia, stud tail refers to overactive glands on the top of the tail. These glands produce waxy excretions that result in hair loss and crusty lesions. In severe cases, the condition can make the tail vulnerable to bacterial infections. Neutering may eliminate the problem in male cats.