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Why is my cat losing hair around her mouth?

Why is my cat losing hair around her mouth?

Atopy. Atopy is a skin hypersensitivity (allergy) reaction common in cats. The most common sign is hair loss with or without dermatitis. Diseases of the eosinophilia granuloma complex are thought to be allergic manifestations.

What does it mean when cats hair comes off in patches?

You can distinguish natural moulting as hair coming off the whole body in an even fashion. When a cat’s hair comes off in patches, especially if it results in a bald spot, then this is not normal shedding. Rather than moulting, this is a condition known as alopecia or, simply, hair loss.

Why does my cat have bald spots on his back?

If you notice your cat has fur loss only and their skin looks relatively healthy, your cat may be suffering from stress-induced hair loss. A good signifier of what the cause for your cat’s fur loss is, is where the bald spots are.

What are the symptoms of skin problems in cats?

Symptoms of Feline Skin Disorders. Symptoms of feline skin problems include: Dry, flaky cat skin. Red, irritated looking skin called skin lesions. Loss of hair (called cat alopecia, or the result of atopy see feline skin allergies above) A dry, dull-looking coat. Lumps or bumps on or under the skin.

What to do if your cat has bald patches?

Ringworm: this is not really a worm but a fungal infection. It gets its name from its appearance, which is a red ring with a white center. It can leave scaly, bald patches. Cat ringworm is treated with anti-fungal medication such as Naturasil for Ringworm. Your veterinarian will examine hair in both healthy patches and where it is being lost.

Why does my cat have patches of hair missing?

If your cat is displaying hair loss in the form of round patches, especially if they are on the top of the head, then it is likely to be due to ringworm. Not actually a parasitical worm as you might expect, ringworm is a fungus which infects the skin.

What does acne look like on a cat’s Chin?

Symptoms of Chin Acne in Cats. Many cats first present with a “dirty” chin. This could look like small black dots in between the hair follicles. That may be all that develops for some cats. For others, this can progress to swollen, red lumps that may or may not rupture and drain.

Ringworm: this is not really a worm but a fungal infection. It gets its name from its appearance, which is a red ring with a white center. It can leave scaly, bald patches. Cat ringworm is treated with anti-fungal medication such as Naturasil for Ringworm. Your veterinarian will examine hair in both healthy patches and where it is being lost.

How can you tell if your cat has skin problems?

One of the first signs of the illness, however, is round, oozing sores on the skin. The sores may later crust over. Cats with this condition often have difficulty breathing and have a chronic cough. To diagnosis blastomycosis, your vet will examine secretions from the sores under a microscope.