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How is Kino described in the Pearl?

How is Kino described in the Pearl?

Kino is a dignified, hardworking, impoverished native who works as a pearl diver. He is a simple man who lives in a brush house with his wife, Juana, and their infant son, Coyotito, both of whom he loves very much.

How is Pearl described during her time on the beach?

How is Pearl described during her time on the beach? How does what Hawthorne says reveal her character? Very playful within the forest and on the beach, it expresses her wild and child-like nature.

How does Hester explain her A to Pearl?

Hester chose the name Pearl because Pearl was “purchased” with all she had and was her mother’s only treasure. Hester believes that, while society punishes her for sinning, God has a different reaction. How does Hester explain Pearl’s existence? God gave Pearl to Hester as a sort of salvation and a reason to live.

Why is Pearl described as an elf?

Pearl is therefore repeatedly referred to as an “elf” or “elf-child” because of the way in which she is so different from other children.

Who killed Coyotito?

The watchman decides to silence the wailer by shooting in the direction of the cry. Unbeknownst to Kino, the bullet hits and kills Coyotito.

Who did Kino kill in the pearl?

Kino kills all three in a frenzy. However, he soon discovers that the random shot fired by the trackers has hit and killed Coyotito. Heartbroken, Juana and Kino return to La Paz. The two approach the gulf, and Kino looks at the pearl for the last time and sees in it an image of Coyotito with his head shot away.

Does Hester hate Arthur?

Despite her pity for Chillingworth in Chapter 14, Hester reveals her deep hatred for him in this chapter. She realizes that he set off a chain of events beginning with an unnatural, loveless marriage. “Be it sin or no, I hate the man!” is her final word on the subject.

Who does Pearl marry in The Scarlet Letter?

She receives occasional letters from Pearl, who has married a European aristocrat and established a family of her own. When Hester dies, she is buried next to Dimmesdale. The two share a single tombstone, which bears a scarlet “A.”

Why does pearl not recognize her mother?

Pearl does not recognize her mother because Hester has removed the scarlet letter and put her hair down. Having resolved to leave America and start a new life in Europe with Dimmesdale, Hester has finally felt confident enough to rid herself of the public symbol of her shame.

What things is Pearl compared to?

Pearl is compared to an elf/fairy, bird, red rose, ruby, coral. They all show that Pearl is non-conforming. They are also all red, not quite real (which is how the Puritans see her), and show that she is spirit like.

Why does Pearl seem not to be a human child?

Why does Pearl not seem to be a human child? She seemed like a fairy that, after play it’s tricks for a while on the cottage floor would flit away with a mocking smile.

What does the narrator say in the Pearl?

The narrator remarks on the marvel of the little town’s interconnectedness, how it keeps track of everything within it. A regular pattern has developed in the town, and whenever one person disturbs this pattern, everyone hears about it. So, it’s quickly known by all that Kino intends to sell his pearl .

How is Pearl related to the Scarlet Letter?

Pearl serves as a symbol of her mother’s shame and triumph. At one point the narrator describes Pearl as “the scarlet letter endowed with life.” Like the letter, Pearl is the public consequence of Hester’s very private sin.

What do the pearl dealers say in the Pearl?

Another says that “better pearls are made of paste.” A third offers 500 pesos. The fact that these individual dealers all come to say the same thing about the pearl is supposed to reinforce the first dealer’s appraisal, but the reader knows already that it’s all a scheme to deny Kino what he deserves—to keep the poor poor and the rich even richer.

How does the LitCharts work in the Pearl?

LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in The Pearl, which you can use to track the themes throughout the work. The narrator remarks on the marvel of the little town’s interconnectedness, how it keeps track of everything within it.