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Is 10 pounds OK for a cat?

Is 10 pounds OK for a cat?

Ideal Weight for Cats Most domestic cats should weigh about 10 pounds, though that can vary by breed and frame. A Siamese cat may weigh as few as 5 pounds, while a Maine Coon can be 25 pounds and healthy.

How long does it take for cats to bond with you?

It can take a cat 8-12 months to become friends with another cat. Male cats are slower to accept a new feline, especially if they’re unfixed. They are also more likely to engage in physical altercations. Female cats are less likely to fight another female, but they will challenge each other regularly.

How old is the oldest cat in the world?

^ Guinness World Records 2010. Bantam; Reprint edition. 2010. p. 320. ISBN 978-0-553-59337-2. The oldest cat ever was Creme Puff, who was born on August 3, 1967 and lived until August 6, 2005–38 years and 3 days in total. ^ Warren, Jessica (Oct 23, 2009). “Caterack Dies – World’s Oldest Cat Was 30!”. The National Ledger.

How big is the smallest cat in the world?

While the largest cat breeds may tip the scales at 15 pounds (or more), the smallest members of the feline family often weigh 5 to 10 pounds. The height may vary, since some small cat breeds have lanky legs and others, like the Munchkin, stand less than 10 inches tall at the shoulder.

Which is the longest living breed of cat?

Here are 10 of the longest-living cat breeds. Originally from Thailand, the striking Siamese is a beautiful cat breed that has fascinated people for centuries. It’s known for its lanky stature and distinct markings, along with its social and vocal nature.

How big is a pallas’cat in feet?

In reality, they’re about the size of domestic cats: they measure up to 26 inches in body length (with an 8-12 inch tail) and weigh only around 10 pounds. 3. They have unusual pupils. Unlike other cats, the pupils of Pallas’ cats contract into small circles rather than vertical slits. 4. Pallas’ cats are particular about their habitat.

Which is the oldest breed of domestic cat?

A Korat cat in the grass. This feline is perhaps the oldest breed of domestic cat featured on this list. The Korat usually sports a blue-grey coat and is considered heavy for it’s size; this is due to muscle as the Korat is known for a very low body fat percentage.

While the largest cat breeds may tip the scales at 15 pounds (or more), the smallest members of the feline family often weigh 5 to 10 pounds. The height may vary, since some small cat breeds have lanky legs and others, like the Munchkin, stand less than 10 inches tall at the shoulder.

How much does a 10 year old Abyssinian cat weigh?

The 10 yr old weights 14.5 lbs and the 14 yr old weights 15 lbs. They are large framed and stocky. The 2 RB boys weights were 9lbs for a RB/Siamese cross and 16 lbs for and Turkish Angora type. Cats vary as much as people do as far as size and weight go. My abyssinian, a very sleek elegant breed, normally weighs about 9#.

Which is the most rare cat breed in the world?

Explore 15 of the most rare cat breeds from around the world below. 15. LaPerm Silver LaPerm cat. The name “LaPerm” means “wavy and rippled”, which is fitting due to the breed’s unique coat that can feature ringlet curls or long corkscrew curls. The coat can also come in almost any pattern.