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What happens if my cat eats a Wandering Jew plant?

What happens if my cat eats a Wandering Jew plant?

In short, the answer is a resounding YES. The plant has sap within the stems that will bother your cat’s digestive tract. It’s important to note that usually there isn’t a toxic reaction to consuming the leaves. Also known as Tradescantia, the Wandering Jew Plant and cats do NOT get along.

Is Wandering Jew harmful to cats?

Is wandering jew toxic to cats and dogs? It’s a bit difficult to find proper information on this. The ASPCA lists Tradescantia flumeninsis, one of Tradescantia zebrina’s cousins, as toxic to cats and dogs as it causes dermatitis.

Are pothos plants toxic to cats?

Called the Ceylon creeper, money plant, hunter’s robe, and devil’s ivy, the golden pothos plant is poisonous to cats. Due to the raphides and calcium oxalate in the plant, cat owners are advised to keep this one away from their furry friends.

Can a cat eat a Wandering Jew plant?

As long as you prune it from time to time to make sure your cat can’t access the long trailing vines, you should be able to enjoy both your pet and your plant in the same home. Have you had issues with your Tradescantia plants and your pets?

How to treat Wandering Jew poisoning in cats?

Treatment of Wandering Jew Poisoning in Cats. 1 Give a bathe to your feline if there is any skin allergy or irritation. 2 If you observe any digestive system related problem in your pet, then consult your regular vet for this. 3 Let your cat drink enough water and avoid any movement. 4 You can also apply aloe vera gel to the allergic area.

What to do with a Wandering Jew plant?

You can grow it in a hanging basket and attach the basket to the ceiling with a pack of wall anchors and ceiling hooks. Not only does this keep your plant out of reach of your cat, but as the wandering jew is a trailing, vining plant, it’ll also drape down nicely in the corner.

What is the name of the Wandering Jew?

The wandering jew — formally known as Tradescantia fluminensis and also known as speedy Henry — will harm your feline friends. So it’s best to leave this one back at the greenhouse.