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What happens if you overdose a cat on Clavamox?

What happens if you overdose a cat on Clavamox?

Never give your pet a double dose of Clavamox, as this can be detrimental to their health. If you suspect your pet has had an overdose, contact your veterinarian immediately. Signs of Clavamox toxicity include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hyperactivity, and rashes.

When to give intravenous fluids to a cat?

Intravenous (IV) fluids are a common way to administer fluids to cats at the veterinary hospital. They are commonly used for any cause of dehydration and for conditions such as kidney disease, urinary obstruction, vomiting and diarrhea.

When to use hypertonic fluids on a cat?

Hypertonic fluids may be used to immediately treat blood loss and hypovolemic shock or cats who cannot receive large volumes of fluids, cats with a sodium deficit and cats with edema.

What kind of fluids do you give a cat for dehydration?

Intravenous fluids gives cats immediate treatment for dehydration and the amount can be easily changed. What Type of Fluids are used for IV Fluids in Cats? Injectable fluids come in various forms. Lactated ringers, 0.9 percent saline, Ringer’s, Normosol-R, and Plasmalyte are commonly used.

How much fluid can I give my 10 pound cat?

For example, a typical 10 pound cat may receive anywhere from 12 to 30 ml/hour. The rate may be higher and given as a “Bolus” which refers to a high volume in a short period of time in emergency cases. Do Cats Need to Be Sedated with an IV Catheter? Pets generally do not need sedated to have an IV catheter placed or while it is in place.

How can I get my Cat to eat after taking clavamox?

If the pet will eat at all you can also put the crushed pill into some food. A small amount of canned food or some jelly for example sometimes works. Otherwise, you will have to pill the cat by mouth. This video might help with that (click here for link to video) If those tips are not succesful, there are not many other ways to make it work.

Are there different forms of clavamox for cats?

There are a couple of different forms of Clavamox for cats. You or your veterinarian will choose between an oral suspension liquid or tablet form. Clavamox comes in both an oral suspension liquid form as well as a tablet form.

Where do I take my Cat for IV fluids?

Some pet owners learn to do this routinely at home if needed and recommended by your veterinarian. Your cat will stay at the veterinary clinic when receiving IV fluids. Intravenous fluids gives cats immediate treatment for dehydration and the amount can be easily changed. What Type of Fluids are used for IV Fluids in Cats?

Why does my cat drool when I give him clavamox?

Eventhough it has been designed to be used in cats, it still has a bitter taste that some cats will have adversion too. This can cause them to drool. In this case, where it has been a long time since the medication was given, I would assume it is not the Clavamox.