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What is the meaning of possible causes?

What is the meaning of possible causes?

adj. 1 capable of existing, taking place, or proving true without contravention of any natural law. 2 capable of being achieved. it is not possible to finish in three weeks.

What is a wonder person?

Definitions of wonderer. someone who is curious about something. type of: intellect, intellectual. a person who uses the mind creatively. someone filled with admiration and awe; someone who wonders at something.

Is wonder a feeling?

2 : the quality of exciting amazed admiration. 3a : rapt attention or astonishment at something awesomely mysterious or new to one’s experience. b : a feeling of doubt or uncertainty. wonder.

What is the example of cause?

Cause and effect is the relationship between two things when one thing makes something else happen. For example, if we eat too much food and do not exercise, we gain weight. Eating food without exercising is the “cause;” weight gain is the “effect.” There may be multiple causes and multiple effects.

What could cause by our time mean?

Answer: its like the definition of late in time but its Caused by our time but its much more than that Caused by our time means that u Caused me Alot of Time. Example: i got into an arguement And he said U Caused me Alot Of time And now im late on my appointment.

What is an example of wondering?

Feeling or showing wonder. The definition of wondering is a feeling of questioning or curiosity. If you are looking at someone and trying to puzzle out how much her shoes cost, this is an example of when you are wondering how much her shoes cost.

What do you call someone who thinks a lot?

Synonyms broody, cogitative, meditative, melancholy, musing, pensive, reflective, ruminant, ruminative, thoughtful. See also: contemplative (ODO)

What is the wonder sentence?

3 Small wonder that he was tired! 4 Sometimes I wonder if he is honest. 5 I wonder at your courage in asking him directly! 6 Goodness, I wonder if he knows. 7 The boys looked at the conjuror in silent wonder.

What is the example of wonder?

Wonder is defined as to want to know something, feel amazement, or be curious. An example of wonder is a woman wanting to know whether or not she’s pregnant. An example of wonder is feeling awe when looking at the face of your newborn baby. To be seized or filled with wonder; feel amazement; marvel.

Why do some people wander around the House?

Wandering may stop once they become used to the change. The person may also want to escape from a noisy or busy environment. Wandering may be due to a loss of short-term memory. A person may set off to go to the shop or a friend’s house, and then forget where they were going or why.

Why do some people wander off in search of something?

Wandering can be a way of using up excess energy, which may indicate that the person needs more regular exercise. As people become more confused, they may wander off in search of someone, or something, relating to their past. This may be a partner who has died, a lost friend or a house they lived in as a child.

What causes a person with dementia to wander?

If you understand what wandering is, and the steps toward preventing it, you can drastically lower the potential for your loved one to wander, and you can have a plan of action if they do. Wandering may be caused by some essential need, like having to go to the bathroom, or being thirsty or hungry.

What to do if someone wanders into an unknown location?

If a loved one wanders into an “unknown location” an alert is sent to the caregiver. AngelSense also includes an alarm to help locate a wandering person, and the capability to call that person and speak through the device.

Wandering may stop once they become used to the change. The person may also want to escape from a noisy or busy environment. Wandering may be due to a loss of short-term memory. A person may set off to go to the shop or a friend’s house, and then forget where they were going or why.

Wandering can be a way of using up excess energy, which may indicate that the person needs more regular exercise. As people become more confused, they may wander off in search of someone, or something, relating to their past. This may be a partner who has died, a lost friend or a house they lived in as a child.

If you understand what wandering is, and the steps toward preventing it, you can drastically lower the potential for your loved one to wander, and you can have a plan of action if they do. Wandering may be caused by some essential need, like having to go to the bathroom, or being thirsty or hungry.

What causes wandering in the steering and suspension?

Any play or knocking feeling from top to bottom indicates a bad ball joint, which will need to be replaced. Bad ball joints will cause a vehicle to become out of alignment and cause a wandering in the steering. Ball joints are the main link between the steering and suspension. Use a flashlight to see if necessary.