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Why do some cats have darker eyes than others?

Why do some cats have darker eyes than others?

The general rule of thumb for cat eye color genetics is that the fewer melanocytes a cat has available, the lighter the shade of eye color, and the more there are, the darker and deeper they will be. From colors denoting the least pigment cells to most, and allowing for variations and shades, the basic range of colors goes something like this:

When does a cat’s eye color become abnormal?

A cat’s mature eye color tends to develop and stabilize over the first 3 months of life. Some cats certainly develop different colored eyes, while others may have one eye present with two distinct colors. Changing eye color as an adult or mature cat, on the other hand, is not only abnormal, but it can also be a sign of dangerous health issues.

Is it normal for a cat to have two different eye colors?

Some cats certainly develop different colored eyes, while others may have one eye present with two distinct colors. Changing eye color as an adult or mature cat, on the other hand, is not only abnormal, but it can also be a sign of dangerous health issues. The uvea, the part of the eye that contains the pigment,…

Is it common for Old Cats to have cataracts?

Cataracts are much less common in old cats than old dogs. These are almost always secondary to another eye problem, such as trauma. With a cataract, the pupil of your cat’s eye will appear to be a whitish color. The lens has fibers growing into and across it, which will limit vision.

When does a cat’s eye color change over time?

If you have had a pet cat from the time it was a young kitten, you may have noticed that the color of its eyes changes over time. Cat eye color is somewhat variable, especially in the first stage of development.

Is there such thing as an old cat with eye problems?

My beloved cat Samantha, who lived to at least 22 (she was a young adult when I got her so I am not 100 percent sure of her age) never had any eye problems. Signs of an eye problem in your senior cat may vary.

Is it normal for cats to have dark spots in their eyes?

Many cats are born with, or grow to develop, very interesting eye coloring patterns that may incorporate dark spots. Most often, color variations are harmless genetic features that in some cases are seen to be quite desirable when selecting a pet. However, some dark spots on the eyes of your pet may be a sign of a serious issue.

What happens when a cat has a cataract?

These are almost always secondary to another eye problem, such as trauma. With a cataract, the pupil of your cat’s eye will appear to be a whitish color. The lens has fibers growing into and across it, which will limit vision. Most often, a cat will only have a cataract in one eye. That means she can still see quite well and get around just fine.