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Why is it so hard to get rid of cheatgrass?

Why is it so hard to get rid of cheatgrass?

“Once you get to December, the spray nozzles tend to freeze and they can crack and you’ll be out in the field and all the material goes right through that spray nozzle that is cracked so you can’t get it on. Or, if you’re going to apply by airplane, you can’t get the airplane to fly because the weather is so poor,” Kennedy explains.

How much does it cost to kill cheat grass?

Application of herbicides to kill off cheatgrass costs an estimated $15 per acre every year, indefinitely. “By year three we’re seeing a 50% reduction in the cheatgrass in almost every plot that we put the bacteria in,” Kennedy notes, “except for where the bacteria didn’t survive.” What’s the Catch? D7 doesn’t directly kill cheatgrass.

When does a cheatgrass plant start to grow?

Cheatgrass roots grow when it is still cool outside, earlier in the spring than most native plants in sagebrush habitat, and they continue growing later into the fall. The cheatgrass plant produces an extensive root system that is able to take up more water and nutrients before native plants have even started to grow.

How is cheatgrass bad for the sagebrush steppe?

That’s not only bad for wildlife like sage grouse, mule deer and pygmy rabbits that rely on intact sagebrush steppe for survival, it’s bad for ranchers who are battling this invasive weed and for anyone living in areas where cheatgrass-fueled fires rage.

“Once you get to December, the spray nozzles tend to freeze and they can crack and you’ll be out in the field and all the material goes right through that spray nozzle that is cracked so you can’t get it on. Or, if you’re going to apply by airplane, you can’t get the airplane to fly because the weather is so poor,” Kennedy explains.

Why does cheat grass stick to my socks?

The awns from cheat grass have a sharp little point, and many barbs that are angled out in the opposite direction. These awns stick in your socks when you walk through the weeds. The pointy end pokes you in the ankle, and the little barbs keep them from backing out.

When is the best time to play cheat grass?

Some seem to be able to run and play in cheat grass fields and never have problems, and others seem to attract it like a vacuum cleaner. Cheat grass seems to be especially aggressive Saturday evenings and Sunday mornings, when veterinary clinics are closed and veterinarians charge extra.

Where does cheat grass go in a dog?

Dogs with long thick hair coats may get pieces of cheat grass that penetrate the skin of the chest and belly. You may not see anything on the surface, but the dog will whine and cry, or act uncomfortable. It also can penetrate where there are skin folds, like around the vagina or testicles, or in the ”armpits.”