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Why is my neutered cat peeing on my clothes?

Why is my neutered cat peeing on my clothes?

One of the most irritating things that can happen to a cat owner is to realise that your cat has taken a pee on your clothes. There are three main reasons why this may happen: medical problems, behavioural issues or simply (and the most common reason) their litter tray is dirty so they’ve chosen somewhere else to go.

Why is my neutered male cat peeing in the toilet?

We’ve had some changes, brought a dog in a few months ago (but he LOVES the dog, sleeps with him), have been trying to litter box train them (though we’re taking a break it’s not working so well) but he never had a problem peeing in the toilet, he took to that very quickly. We so worried and upset about it.

How old is the neutered male cat that pees in the litter box?

We’ve had this cat for about a year, adopted him, he’s probably about 2 years old. Up until 2 or 3 weeks ago he’s been absolutely perfect with the litter box.

What should I do if my cat pees on my laundry?

Some cats prefer softer substrates, such as laundry or plastic bags on the floor, instead of cat litter (especially pelleted or old-fashioned clay litter). Other cats don’t seem to care. You can never have too many, too large, or too clean litter boxes. You need one litter box per cat, plus one, and one on every floor of the house.

Can a neutered male cat be a litter mate?

The cats are not litter mates, but they are both neutered males that get along beautifully and have no history of health issues. About once a month, I notice that one of the cats pees on my boyfriend’s pile of laundry. They don’t do this to my clothes. I don’t know which cat does this or if both of them do. I keep their litter boxes very clean.

We’ve had some changes, brought a dog in a few months ago (but he LOVES the dog, sleeps with him), have been trying to litter box train them (though we’re taking a break it’s not working so well) but he never had a problem peeing in the toilet, he took to that very quickly. We so worried and upset about it.

We’ve had this cat for about a year, adopted him, he’s probably about 2 years old. Up until 2 or 3 weeks ago he’s been absolutely perfect with the litter box.

Why is my cat peeing on my laundry?

Laundry on the floor offers a soft, welcoming place to try to relive the pain. This pain can lead to behavioral-inappropriate urination due to a learned aversion to the “offending” litter box seen as the source of pain by the cat. Conversely, behavior may be the underlying cause of inappropriate urination in and of itself.

Is it bad if your cat pees on your clothes?

Even if you have washed your clothes, there will be traces of the scent. Do not rely on laundry detergent to clear the smell of cat urine. Not only will the scent linger, but it could soil other garments. Cat urine can also leave a yellow stain.