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Why would a cats gums be swollen?

Why would a cats gums be swollen?

Gingivitis is a condition in which the gums around the teeth become inflamed (red, swollen, and painful). This inflammation is usually the result of a process that begins with the buildup of plaque, a film that harbors bacteria, on the teeth.

What is the treatment for gingivitis in cats?

It is important to clean the tissues beneath the gum line carefully to remove any accumulated plaque or tartar. “Many cats will require broad-spectrum antibiotics, chlorhexidine rinses or gels, and anti-inflammatory medications.”

Why does my cat have gums in his mouth?

Ulcerative Stomatitis: This condition occurs when a significant amount of gum tissue is lost in a cat’s mouth, and it is frequently accompanied by inflammation of the oral tissues.

What does it mean when your cat’s gums are blue?

Cat Gum Color Guide. Dr. Benson explains: “Bright pink or red gums can be a sign of toxicity or dental disease; yellowish gums could point to problems with the liver. “If your cat’s gums are looking blue, purple, gray, or whitish, this is an indication that blood is not circulating well in the peripheral circulation,…

What does it mean when a cat has granuloma in its mouth?

Oral Eosinophilic Granuloma: This condition occurs when there is a mass or growth in or near the cat’s mouth, especially on the lips. Gingival Hyperplasia: This condition occurs when gum tissue increases and may grow over teeth.

What are the signs that an old cat is dying?

There are many common age-related diseases of cats: 1 Hormonal disorders 2 Kidney disorders 3 Cardiac disorders 4 Liver problems 5 Arthritis 6 Impaired nutrient absorption 7 Impaired immunity 8 Dental disease

Ulcerative Stomatitis: This condition occurs when a significant amount of gum tissue is lost in a cat’s mouth, and it is frequently accompanied by inflammation of the oral tissues.

What does it mean when your cat has gingivitis?

Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gums and this can occur at any age in any breed. Not only is this a painful problem, it shows that the health of your cat is not good. It also means that the teeth may becomes affected later. Perhaps loosen, and then fall out.

Oral Eosinophilic Granuloma: This condition occurs when there is a mass or growth in or near the cat’s mouth, especially on the lips. Gingival Hyperplasia: This condition occurs when gum tissue increases and may grow over teeth.

How old is a 16 year old cat?

By age 16 your cat’s physical and mental development is very much like that of an 80-year-old person. She has definitely slowed down physically (relative to her prime adult years)and may have developed a number of health problems.